Charlie Kaimann:
Being a collector of guns since I was big enough to know what a gun was, I had the want to own one. In 1966 I was 11 years old and had begged by parents for a gun so that I could go hunting. Doing odd jobs for family, friends and neighbors, and with the help of my Mom, I was able to buy my first gun. It was a Winchester Model 12 20 gauge and I have been involved with fine sporting guns and collectible guns ever since. So, I guess I have my Mom and Winchester to thank for my way of “Winning the West”.

My gun shop has become a very enjoyable part of my life as a hobby, but more importantly, I have built a business that I enjoy. My goal is to have a gun shop known for great quality with good pricing for everything in my shop…from fine collectible guns to top of the line collectibles, antiques, artifacts, knives and coins. I also want to be known as a family shop, so bring the family by and see us!